Thanks for installing DBOT

To configure DBOT, you can send DIRECT MESSAGES to @dbot on Slack.

Choose “dbot” from the “DIRECT MESSAGES” menu. @dbot understands the following commands:

  • config - list the current channels @dbot is listening on
  • join all/#channel1,#channel2,... - @dbot will join all/specified public channels and start monitoring them
  • verbose on/off #channel1,#channel2,... - turn on verbose mode on the specified channels
  • vt the-api-key-you-got-from-vt: add your own VirusTotal key to use. You can get a key at
  • xfe the-api-key-you-got-from-xfe the-password-you-got: add your own IBM X-Force Exchange credentials to use. You can get credentials at

Verbose mode is usually used by security professionals. When in verbose mode, @dbot will display reputation details about any URL, IP or file including clean ones.

It is important to specify your own keys to get reliable results as our public API keys are rate limited.